Terms And Conditions


Thank you for visiting Our Website. Ensuring data protection and security for our customers and users is a top priority for Vitacare. This Privacy Policy explains what information is collected when you visit and use Our Website and how this information is processed.
The present Conditions define the rights and obligations of parties during sales carried out on the Site. They govern all steps in the order process, from placement through to tracking and processing.
These Conditions are for the end consumer exclusively, any person 18 years and over not transacting as a retailer. Vitacare reserves the right to adapt or modify, at any time, the Conditions on its website.
We invite you to visit these pages periodically to review the Conditions currently in effect, which are mandatory and binding. If modified, the Conditions in effect at the time of your website visit will have precedence. Please note that for disputes arising from the validity of the Conditions governing a transaction, digital computer records will be used as evidence between parties. The Site accepts orders shipped worldwide.
Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this website shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of United Arab of Emirates
United Arab of Emirates is our country of domicile” and stipulate that the* governing law is the local law.
The Website Policies and Terms & Conditions may be changed or updated occasionally to meet the requirements and standards. Therefore the Customers’ are encouraged to frequently visit these sections in order to be updated about the changes on the website. Modifications will be effective on the day they are posted.


Vitacare cannot be held liable for the improper use or purchase of the products it sells. Prior to all orders being placed, customers must attest to having full legal capacity to transact with Vitacare and abide by its Conditions.
Vitacare cannot be held responsible for: the non-operation or temporary interruption of service as well as any inability to access the Site, the improper use of the site caused by external factors, any indirect damage resulting from viruses, hacking, loss of customer data or records during transactions on the Site, potential shipping delays caused by the courier or postal service (these delays do not entitle customers to damage claims), and all other damages incurred, directly or indirectly, during delivery.
Vitacare retains ownership of products until full and final payment of an order. Once an order has been delivered and received by the customer, the latter becomes responsible for the product.


All products and service descriptions, other texts, graphics, documents, files, videos and other content (all of which are referred to below as the “Content”) are provided for informational purposes only, and are subject to change at any time. We do not and cannot warrant or verify that any Content represents the most current or accurate information on any topic. Other than your ability to use the Site as expressly permitted in these Terms & Conditions, you are not allowed to access or attempt to access any systems or servers the Site is hosted nor modify or alter the Site in any way.


The Content and the Site are the sole property of Vitacare and/or its licensors, it may be protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws and may not be used except in accordance with these Terms & Conditions. You must not modify, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works of, transfer, or sell any Content. All trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and trade dress, whether registered or unregistered (collectively the “Marks”) that appear on the Site are proprietary to Vitacare or such marks’ respective owners. You must not display or reproduce the Marks other than with the prior written consent of Vitacare.
You must not remove or otherwise modify any trademark notices or other proprietary notices from any Content.
The company Vitacare reserves the right to take legal action in the event of any infringement of its intellectual property rights, including in cases of criminal action.